Saturday, June 30, 2018

Earn Crypto Fragment Bounty by simple Task

Fragment Bounty
Fragments platform establishes the missing link between the irreplaceable human mind and a growing artificial-intelligence system. 

Bounty Campaign is up! 

Sign-up, verify mail , connect ur twitter n do the bounties. Click take action, then click CLAIM against each task 

Go here
  Mission Micro-task platform. Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (Mturk) started to form the micro-task landscape in 2005, with many others following suit later on. However, focus of the micro-task services remain limited – most are focused on annotating data for AI only1 and MTurk, while having no limitations on the nature of task, requires requesters to provide the entire UI/UX (with only some collections of templates available) themselves and annotators cannot easily navigate MTurk on platforms other than desktop

   Fragments’ goal, is to create a micro-task platform that is not only open and easily extensible, but actually incentivizes extensions by enabling developers to take a small revenue cut, if their apps they build on the platform are used by other parties. The bare-bones Fragments platform is free to use with no commissions. Developers can offer their apps for public use and decide what commission they charge for using them. The rest is left to the free market – nobody is forced to use a particular app, if the commission it takes is too high compared to the value it offers.

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